Instruction to Authors

General Information

Submission Preparation Checklist

1) The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).

2) The submission file is in Microsoft Word

3) Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.

4) Article manuscripts must match the journal template

5) Maximum length of accepted manuscript is 15 pages including title and bibliography. If there are excess pages, they will be returned to the author for re-editing.

6) Authors are required to complete 5 steps of uploading articles through the Lekesan: Interdisciplinary Journal of Asia Pasific Arts OJS system. Otherwise, the article cannot be processed to the next stage.

Article Content and Format

Title: The title should be concise, straightforward, informative, and describe the content of the article. Titles are often used in article information retrieval systems. Therefore, avoid abbreviations and formulas whenever possible. In certain cases, the title can be written in a question sentence.

Abstract must contain:
1) Purpose: simple words tell about the purpose of the research. There was no discussion, no story, only the purpose of the research;
2) Research methods: give names, brands, types of tools, processes, software, reviews, and surveys used to conduct the research. There is no discussion or explanation with 60 words maximum;
3) Findings: Write only the main results and discussion in a few words. There is no discussion or explanation;
4) Implications: Write down the implications/meaning of the research results in a few words. The contents of the abstract are written using Arial fonts, 10pt, 1,0 spacing, and in a one-column format.
Keywords (10pt, bold): letters, journals, format [words written in lowercase except for abbreviations, in 3-6 words, separated by commas, Arial, 10pt. Use words or phrases that precisely describe the article's contents, consider the ease of keywords when searching in search engines (for example, searches using Google), and don't use unusual abbreviations.

Original Research Paper - The introduction of a manuscript includes a brief overview of the literature relating to the research topic. The introduction is generally written descriptively, beginning with a broad topic and slowly focusing on the work being done. An introduction usually requires several paragraphs beginning with one or two paragraphs that introduce the reader to the field of the problem under investigation in general. Then, in the next paragraph explains something more specific. The last paragraph is very important, which is what research questions will be answered by a study and how to do it, as well as the authors should provide novelty to the field of study.

Review Paper - The introduction of a review article is more concise than the original research paper. Introduction generally consists of three main paragraphs, containing:
1. Background: contains general topics, issues, or areas of concern to illustrate the context.
2. Problems studied: contains trends, new perspectives, gaps, or conflicts between findings.
3. Motivation/justification: contains the author's reason for reviewing the literature.

Original Research Paper - The research method contains a direct description of the methods used in a study. The method contains the statement of the materials used in the study, the main procedures, the techniques used in the data retrieval, and the analysis techniques. If the research uses a particular experimental design, the method part also includes the design/setup of the research. Similarly, for literature research, theoretical or modelling components are also clearly contained in this section.

Review Paper - The material and methods section contains for example information on data sources, data search strategies, selection criteria of articles included in the review, the amount of research included, and the methods or statistics for its analysis. The PRISMA method is highly recommended to make a systematic review. The researcher must ensure that the data source is clearly identified and valid. 

Result and Discussion:
Original Research Paper -The results present data analysis to the reader. This section of the discussion contains interpretations of research results to give meaning to the reader or provide guidance for further research. All figures and tables need further explanation to reveal the truth.

Review paper - The structure of the main part of a review article needs to be a coherent topic arrangement. The main sections are generally divided into sub-sections, such as methodological approaches, models or theories, chronological order, to the geographical location of the reviewed study. Each paragraph consists of one idea, one aspect, or one topic. In the review article, one paragraph refers to several studies so that the citation per paragraph more. Each paragraph links the findings of the studies discussed with the research questions listed in the introduction. This link creates the article coherence thread that is being created. Preferably, include a table from the results of the studies. By linking one study to another, a comparison of the findings will be obtained as a material for discussion. This body text section generally consists of 70-90% of the entire article, excluding identity and reference. As an important note, the author must ensure that the review of the article is written based on the idea, not based on the literature. 

The conclusion contains a summary of the research findings. Then, followed by the main points of the discussion. A general conclusion ends with a statement about how the research work contributes to the field of study as a whole. The conclusions in the review article differ slightly from the conclusions of the original research paper. The conclusions generally contain the implications of the findings, the interpretation by the authors, and the identification of unresolved recital questions. A good conclusion is also characterized by the presence of limitations and recommendations for future studies.

This section lists all the references cited in the text.
Write a citation and bibliography using the following conditions;
1) Use at least 12 journal articles. 
2) Use journal references in the last decade at 30% of the total reference.
3) Use citation software in citing the referenced source.
4) Use the standard writing of a bibliography based on APA 7th Edition Style.
5) It is highly recommended to use reference managers such as Zotero and Mendeley.
6) If citations and bibliography are found not to be using reference managers such as Zotero and Mendeley, the article will be returned for revision.


