Inventory And Documentation For Bebali Mask Dance

Inventory And Documentation For Bebali Mask Dance


  • Ni Luh Sustiawati Performing Arts Education Study Program, Performing Arts Faculty, Indonesian Institute of the Art (ISI) Denpasar
  • I Ketut Sariada Dance Study Program, Performing Arts Faculty, Indonesian Institute of the Art (ISI) Denpasar



inventory, domumentation, bebali, mask dance


The objective of this research is to describe the kinds and the function of Bebali mask dances in each regency or municipality in Bali province and the perception of the public about them. This research was conducted in 9 districts / cities in Bali, namely Jembrana, Buleleng, Tabanan, Badung, Denpasar, Gianyar, Klungkung, Bangli and Karangasem, each represented by the two villages that develop the Bebali Mask dance. This  research  intended  to  expose  a  phenomenon,  therefore  it applies the phenomenological qualitative approach. It was chosen due to the consideration that this research is focused upon action or activity by one or more people  related  to  the  making  of  inventory  and  documenting  the  Bebali  mask  dance  in  Bali province,  by  classifying  the  kinds  and  functions  of  Bebali  mask  dances  and  by uncovering the perception of the public concerning the Bebali mask dance in the regencies/municipalities in Bali. The result shows that almost all instances of Bebali mask dance, especially the Pajegan variety, is connected with religious rituals, such as the Dewa Yadnya, Resi Yadnya, Pitra Yadnya, Manusa Yadnya, and Bhuta Yadnya. The Bebali mask dance in the province of Bali symbolizes the cycle of human life which can be described as a circle where life rotates naturally. The mask dance contains an ideal of how to live a life, that is to strike a balance between the adoration of the Divine and compassion and duty to fellow men and love of nature, which in Hindu philosophy is called “Tri Hita Karanaâ€.


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How to Cite

Sustiawati, N. L., & Sariada, I. K. (2020). Inventory And Documentation For Bebali Mask Dance. Lekesan: Interdisciplinary Journal of Asia Pacific Arts, 3(1), 25–30.


